LZ Cen


  1. Vaz1995
    Vaz, L.P.R., Clausen, J.V., Gimenez, A., Helt, B.E. & Jensen, K.S. “Four-colour Photometry of Eclipsing Binaries. XXXA. Light Curves of LZ Centauri.”: 1995, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, Volume 112, pp. 123-124

  2. Vaz1995b
    Vaz, L.P.R., Andersen, J. & Rabello Soares, M.C.A. “Four-colour Photometry of Eclipsing Binaries. XXXB. The Early B-type Near-contact Binary LZ Centauri”: 1995, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 301, pp. 693-706