XY Boo


  1. Binnendijk1971
    Binnendijk, L. “The light variations of XY Bootis and LS Her.”: 1971, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 76, pp. 923-929

  2. Winkler1977
    Winkler, L. “Analysis of Yellow and Blue Observations of XY Boo”: 1977, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 82, pp. 648-652

  3. McLean1983
    McLean, B. J. & Hilditch, R. W. “Radial Velocities for Contact Binaries. II - TZ Boo, XY Boo, TX Cnc, RZ Com, CC Com and Y Sex”: 1983, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 203, pp. 1-8

  4. Awadalla1984
    Awadalla, N. S., Yamasaki, A. “A Photometric Study of the Contact Binary XY Boo”: 1984, Astrophysics & Space Science, Volume 107, pp. 347-356