Models not on the Binary Maker 3 CD
The binaries listed below were added to the CALEB database since the release of Binary Maker 3 and therefore are not on the CD. All of the files can be downloaded at once by clicking on the link below, or individual systems can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate "Download" link next to the system's name.
To download a master zip file of all the models that have been added to CALEB since Binary Maker 3 was released, simply click on the link below. This zip file is organized in the same way as the ZIP directory in Binary Maker 3, so if the downloaded file is decompressed in that directory, all the model files will end up in the correct locations.
This Zip file contains all the star models added to CALEB since the release of Binary Maker 3, so if you have downloaded this file before, you may be prompted by your unzip program about whether existing files should be overwritten or skipped.
The master Zip file was last updated on May 9, 2023. Download all the zip files at once.
Models (229)
- AD And | Giuricin1981V | (Download)
- AP And | Lacy2014-NFO-V | (Download)
- AP And | Lacy2014-URSA-V | (Download)
- BL And | Kaluzny1985B | (Download)
- CO And | Lacy2010-NFO-V | (Download)
- CO And | Lacy2010-Sleuth-r | (Download)
- CO And | Lacy2010-URSA-V | (Download)
- ZZ Aur | Barone1991B | (Download)
- ZZ Aur | Barone1991V | (Download)
- ZZ Aur | Leung1985B | (Download)
- ZZ Aur | Leung1988V | (Download)
- AP Aur | Li2001B | (Download)
- AP Aur | Li2001V | (Download)
- BF Aur | Kallrath2000B | (Download)
- BF Aur | Kallrath2000U | (Download)
- BF Aur | Kallrath2000V | (Download)
- HP Aur | Lacy2014-NFO-V | (Download)
- HP Aur | Lacy2014-URSA-V | (Download)
- XY Boo | Awadalla1984B | (Download)
- XY Boo | Awadalla1984V | (Download)
- ZZ Boo | Popper1983B | (Download)
- ZZ Boo | Popper1983V | (Download)
- CV Boo | Nelson2004Ic | (Download)
- CV Boo | Nelson2004V | (Download)
- WW Cam | Lacy2002-URSA-V | (Download)
- AS Cam | Maloney1991aV | (Download)
- AZ Cam | Zhai1984B | (Download)
- AZ Cam | Zhai1984V | (Download)
Canes Venatici
Canis Minor
- XZ CMi | Terrell1994B | (Download)
- XZ CMi | Terrell1994V | (Download)
- YY CMi | Niarchos1998V | (Download)
- AE Cas | Bradstreet2005B | (Download)
- AE Cas | Bradstreet2005U | (Download)
- AE Cas | Bradstreet2005V | (Download)
- BH Cas | Metcalfe1999B | (Download)
- BH Cas | Metcalfe1999U | (Download)
- BH Cas | Metcalfe1999V | (Download)
- V396 Cas | Lacy2004V | (Download)
- BH Cen | Leung1984B | (Download)
- BH Cen | Leung1984U | (Download)
- BH Cen | Leung1984V | (Download)
- VZ Cep | Torres2009-V | (Download)
- WX Cep | Popper1987B | (Download)
- WX Cep | Popper1987V | (Download)
- XX Cep | Bradstreet2005B | (Download)
- XX Cep | Bradstreet2005V | (Download)
- XY Cep | Bradstreet2005B | (Download)
- XY Cep | Bradstreet2005U | (Download)
- XY Cep | Bradstreet2005V | (Download)
- XZ Cep | Harries1997B | (Download)
- XZ Cep | Harries1997U | (Download)
- XZ Cep | Harries1997V | (Download)
- ZZ Cep | Cester1978V | (Download)
- EY Cep | Lacy2006-V | (Download)
- VY Cet | Lapasset1986AB | (Download)
- VY Cet | Lapasset1986AU | (Download)
- VY Cet | Lapasset1986AV | (Download)
- VY Cet | Lapasset1986BB | (Download)
- VY Cet | Lapasset1986BU | (Download)
- VY Cet | Lapasset1986BV | (Download)
- YY Cet | McFarlane1986V | (Download)
- YZ Cha | Bradstreet2005I | (Download)
- YZ Cha | Bradstreet2005R | (Download)
- YZ Cha | Bradstreet2005V | (Download)
Corona Borealis
- ZZ Cru | Horak1999Bw | (Download)
- ZZ Cru | Horak1999Lw | (Download)
- ZZ Cru | Horak1999Uw | (Download)
- ZZ Cru | Horak1999Vw | (Download)
- WW Cyg | Mezzetti1980B | (Download)
- WW Cyg | Mezzetti1980U | (Download)
- WW Cyg | Mezzetti1980V | (Download)
- ZZ Cyg | Giuricin1981B | (Download)
- ZZ Cyg | Giuricin1981U | (Download)
- ZZ Cyg | Giuricin1981V | (Download)
- V2154 Cyg | Bright2017-b | (Download)
- V2154 Cyg | Bright2017-u | (Download)
- V2154 Cyg | Bright2017-v | (Download)
- V2154 Cyg | Bright2017-y | (Download)
- W Del | Mezzetti1980B | (Download)
- W Del | Mezzetti1980V | (Download)
- AV Del | Mader2005B | (Download)
- AV Del | Mader2005I | (Download)
- AV Del | Mader2005R | (Download)
- AV Del | Mader2005V | (Download)
- AR Dra | Broglia1979B | (Download)
- AR Dra | Broglia1979V | (Download)
- BF Dra | Lacy2012-NFO-V | (Download)
- BF Dra | Lacy2012-URSA-V | (Download)
- BH Dra | Giuricin1981B | (Download)
- BH Dra | Giuricin1981V | (Download)
- BV Dra | Kaluzny1986B | (Download)
- BV Dra | Kaluzny1986U | (Download)
- BV Dra | Kaluzny1986V | (Download)
- BW Dra | Kaluzny1986B | (Download)
- BW Dra | Kaluzny1986U | (Download)
- BW Dra | Kaluzny1986V | (Download)
- YY Eri | Maceroni1994B | (Download)
- YY Eri | Maceroni1994V | (Download)
- BL Eri | Liu1996B | (Download)
- BL Eri | Liu1996V | (Download)
- BL Eri | Yamasaki1988B | (Download)
- BL Eri | Yamasaki1988V | (Download)
- BV Eri | Gu1999B | (Download)
- BV Eri | Gu1999U | (Download)
- BV Eri | Gu1999V | (Download)
- BW Eri | Baade1982B | (Download)
- BW Eri | Baade1982U | (Download)
- BW Eri | Baade1982V | (Download)
- CD Eri | Bradstreet2005B | (Download)
- CD Eri | Bradstreet2005U | (Download)
- CD Eri | Bradstreet2005V | (Download)
- YY Gem | Leung1978I | (Download)
- YY Gem | Leung1978R | (Download)
- YY Gem | Leung1978V | (Download)
- YY Gem | Torres2002I | (Download)
- YY Gem | Torres2002R | (Download)
- YY Gem | Torres2002V | (Download)
- GX Gem | Lacy2008-NFO-V | (Download)
- GX Gem | Lacy2008-URSA-V | (Download)
- W Gru | Cerrutti1987B | (Download)
- W Gru | Cerrutti1987U | (Download)
- W Gru | Cerrutti1987V | (Download)
- X Gru | Giuricin1981B | (Download)
- X Gru | Giuricin1981V | (Download)
- Z Her | Popper1988B | (Download)
- Z Her | Popper1988V | (Download)
- AK Her | Woodward1977B | (Download)
- AK Her | Woodward1977V | (Download)
- LV Her | Torres2009-NFO-V | (Download)
- LV Her | Torres2009-URSA-V | (Download)
- V857 Her | Qian2005B | (Download)
- V857 Her | Qian2005R | (Download)
- V857 Her | Qian2005V | (Download)
- VZ Hya | Cester1978B | (Download)
- VZ Hya | Cester1978U | (Download)
- VZ Hya | Cester1978V | (Download)
- Y Hyi | Duerbeck1986B | (Download)
- Y Hyi | Duerbeck1986U | (Download)
- Y Hyi | Duerbeck1986V | (Download)
- Y Leo | Giuricin1980I | (Download)
- AM Leo | Binnendijk1984B | (Download)
- AM Leo | Binnendijk1984V | (Download)
- AP Leo | Kreiner2003B | (Download)
- AP Leo | Kreiner2003I | (Download)
- AP Leo | Kreiner2003R | (Download)
- AP Leo | Kreiner2003V | (Download)
- AO Mon | Giuricin1980B | (Download)
- AO Mon | Giuricin1980U | (Download)
- AO Mon | Giuricin1980V | (Download)
- V396 Mon | Yang2001B | (Download)
- V396 Mon | Yang2001V | (Download)
- WZ Oph | Popper1965V | (Download)
- V506 Oph | Torres2019-NFO-V | (Download)
- V506 Oph | Torres2019-URSA-V | (Download)
- V530 Ori | Torres2014-NFO-V | (Download)
- V530 Ori | Torres2014-Stromgren-b | (Download)
- V530 Ori | Torres2014-Stromgren-u | (Download)
- V530 Ori | Torres2014-Stromgren-v | (Download)
- V530 Ori | Torres2014-Stromgren-y | (Download)
- V530 Ori | Torres2014-URSA-V | (Download)
- AT Peg | Maxted1994B | (Download)
- DI Peg | Lu1992B | (Download)
- DI Peg | Lu1992V | (Download)
- RT Per | Edalati1996B | (Download)
- RT Per | Edalati1996U | (Download)
- RT Per | Edalati1996V | (Download)
- NP Per | Lacy2016-NFO-V | (Download)
- NP Per | Lacy2016-URSA-V | (Download)
- YZ Phe | Samec1995B | (Download)
- YZ Phe | Samec1995I | (Download)
- YZ Phe | Samec1995R | (Download)
- YZ Phe | Samec1995V | (Download)
- X Pic | Chambliss1988B | (Download)
- X Pic | Chambliss1988U | (Download)
- X Pic | Chambliss1988V | (Download)
- XZ Pup | Mezzetti1980B | (Download)
- XZ Pup | Mezzetti1980V | (Download)
- AU Pup | Leung1978B | (Download)
- AU Pup | Leung1978V | (Download)
- XZ Sgr | Russo1980B | (Download)
- XZ Sgr | Russo1980U | (Download)
- XZ Sgr | Russo1980V | (Download)
- YY Sgr | Lacy1997B | (Download)
- YY Sgr | Lacy1997V | (Download)
- BW3 V38 | Maceroni2004I | (Download)
- AL Scl | Haefner1987b | (Download)
- AL Scl | Haefner1987u | (Download)
- AL Scl | Haefner1987v | (Download)
- AL Scl | Haefner1987y | (Download)
- AQ Ser | Torres2014-NFO-V | (Download)
- AQ Ser | Torres2014-URSA-V | (Download)
- NSVS 10653195 | Iglesias-Marzoa2019-I | (Download)
- NSVS 10653195 | Iglesias-Marzoa2019-J | (Download)
- NSVS 10653195 | Iglesias-Marzoa2019-K | (Download)
- NSVS 10653195 | Iglesias-Marzoa2019-R | (Download)
- NSVS 10653195 | Iglesias-Marzoa2019-V | (Download)
- CU Tau | Qian2005B | (Download)
- CU Tau | Qian2005V | (Download)
- CU Tau | Yang2004B | (Download)
- CU Tau | Yang2004V | (Download)
- GR Tau | Gu2004B | (Download)
- GR Tau | Gu2004V | (Download)
Ursa Major
- UY UMa | Yang2001B | (Download)
- UY UMa | Yang2001V | (Download)
- AA UMa | Wang1990B | (Download)
- AA UMa | Wang1990V | (Download)
- AH Vir | Lu1993B | (Download)
- AH Vir | Lu1993V | (Download)
- BF Vir | Russo1981B | (Download)
- BH Vir | Clement1997b | (Download)
- BH Vir | Clement1997u | (Download)
- BH Vir | Clement1997v | (Download)
- BH Vir | Clement1997y | (Download)