V1425 Cyg

Hill1993 - Hill1993V (Johnson V)

                    Table 1 from Hill & Khalesseh (1993)
      Journal of Radial Velocity Observations of V1425 Cyg (km/s)
Orbit Type                  Non-Keplerian            Keplerian
Profile Type                Gaussian   R2020  Tomographic            
Image No.     HJD    Phase*  P    S    P    S    P    S    P  O-C  S  O-C
R48894124 47784.6762 0.720 +115 -204 +122 -188 +122 -220 +124 +3 -226 +12
R48894127 47784.7170 0.753 +115 -222 +124 -216 +126 -233 +128 +5 -239  +2
R48894128 47784.7261 0.760 +109 -238 +115 -245 +117 -257 +119 -4 -262 -22
R48894131 47784.7431 0.774 +110 -222 +117 -223 +120 -253 +121  0 -258 -21
R48894132 47784.7556 0.784 +111 -222 +116 -219 +120 -222 +121 +2 -227  +8
R48894135 47784.7865 0.809 +104 -211 +111 -207 +120 -222 +120 +8 -226  -2
R48894138 47784.8049 0.823  +93 -197 +101 -166 +109 -191 +108 +1 -226 +20
R48894139 47784.8191 0.835  +90 -203  +96 -171  +98 -198  +97 -5 -195  +5
R48894209 47787.7146 0.147 -141 +147 -141 +125 -136 +151 -136 -2 +154  -7
R48894212 47787.7583 0.181 -160 +152 -152 +155 -150 +186 -150  0 +190  +6
R48894213 47787.7757 0.195 -163 +167 -159 +165 -157 +175 -157 -3 +180 -11
R48894214 47787.7938 0.210 -167 +178 -163 +186 -157 +196 -158  0 +201  +4
R48894216 47787.8115 0.224 -165 +172 -163 +177 -160 +193 -161 -1 +198  -2
R48894217 47787.8264 0.236 -174 +154 -170 +163 -167 +178 -169 -8 +183 -19
R48894220 47787.8653 0.267 -161 +178 -159 +186 -152 +198 -154 +6 +203  +2
R48894222 47787.9083 0.301 -161 +166 -156 +172 -150 +186 -152 +1 +190   0
R48894225 47787.9306 0.319 -144 +180 -142 +177 -137 +188 -139 +8 +190 +10
R48894226 47787.9476 0.333 -144 +170 -139 +163 -138 +176 -139 +2 +177 + 6

*Phase = (JD-47047.3698)/1.2523877 from time of primary minimum.