AT Peg
Maxted1994 - Maxted1994B (Johnson B)
Table 1 from Maxted et al. (1994)
Measured Radial Velocities for AT Peg in km/s
Residuals are for corrected velocities and adopted orbit
HJD Phase Uncorrected Corrected (O-C)
(2400000+) RVpri RVsec RVpri RVsec Pri Sec
47037.8392 0.2347 -90.79 207.18 -91.12 215.18 -1.6 13.0
47037.8743 0.2041 -86.83 202.15 -87.28 210.33 -1.2 15.6
47068.6902 0.3159 -79.83 193.17 -79.55 196.45 2.6 10.0
47068.7082 0.3002 -85.69 201.87 -85.55 207.32 -0.1 -
47068.7315 0.2799 -85.24 - -85.26 - 3.1 7.6
47068.8256 0.1978 -85.55 178.69 -86.02 186.83 -1.1 -5.5
47068.8672 0.1615 -78.69 - -79.09 - -3.4 -
47404.6923 0.1400 -66.38 168.42 -66.73 174.43 1.5 17.4
47408.6784 0.6619 85.09 -148.26 84.83 -151.70 0.8 13.2
47408.7017 0.6416 80.95 - 80.69 - 3.6 -
47452.6588 0.2872 -96.34 175.83 -96.31 180.80 -8.8 -17.0
47510.5840 0.7450 101.48 -178.31 101.68 -185.42 3.5 9.4
47786.8046 0.7309 96.10 -189.27 96.20 -195.42 -1.3 -2.0
47786.8295 0.7092 94.35 -171.67 94.28 -176.36 -0.8 11.9
47786.8566 0.6856 92.58 -170.09 92.32 -173.53 1.8 5.0
47786.8875 0.6586 83.19 -151.87 82.93 -155.31 0.0 7.3
47787.7389 0.9157 52.96 - 53.27 - 1.4 -
47787.8490 0.8196 85.63 -191.04 86.11 -198.52 -3.3 -22.1
47787.8896 0.7842 96.33 -151.46 96.74 -159.58 0.7 30.9
48461.7920 0.7760 99.01 -169.53 99.39 -177.64 2.4 14.7
48516.8695 0.7186 88.29 -173.79 88.29 -179.10 -8.0 11.8
Phases are calculated from the ephemeris given by Gulmen et al. (1993).