SW Cyg

Wilson1988 - Wilson1988V (Johnson V)

Model References

  1. Struve1946
    Struve, Otto “Spectrographic Observations of Fourteen Eclipsing Binaries”: 1946, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 104, pp. 253-281

  2. Walter1971
    Walter, K. “The Algol System SW Cyg and the Problem of Its Asymmetric Primary Minimum”: 1971, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 13, pp. 249-262

  3. Wilson1988
    Wilson, R.E. & Mukherjee, J. “Rotation Rates From Algol-type Light Curves - SW Cygni, AQ Pegasi, and AW Pegasi”: 1988, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 96, pp. 747-754

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