EK Cep

Hill1984 - Hill1984V (Johnson V)

Model References

  1. Tomkin1983
    Tomkin, Jocelyn “Secondaries of Eclipsing Binaries. V - EK Cephei”: 1983, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 271, pp. 717-724

  2. Hill1984
    Hill, G. & Ebbighausen, E.G. “Photometric Elements of the Eclipsing Binary EK Cephei”: 1984, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 89, pp. 1256-1260

  3. Popper1987
    Popper, Daniel M. “A Pre-main Sequence Star in the Detached Binary EK Cephei”: 1987, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 313, pp. L81-83

  4. Ebbighausen1990
    Ebbighausen, E.G. & Hill, G. “VR Photometry of the Eclipsing Binary EK Cephei”: 1990, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, Volume 82, pp. 489-496

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