CW Cep

Clausen1991b - Clausen1991by (Stromgren y)

Model References

  1. Popper1974
    Popper, Daniel M. “Rediscussion of Eclipsing Binaries. 10. The B Stars AG Per and CW Cas.”: 1974, Astrophysical Journal, Volume 188, pp. 559-565

  2. Gimenez1990
    Gimenez, A., Rolland, A., Garcia, J.M. & Clausen, J.V. “Four-colour Photometry of Eclipsing Binaries. XXXIV - Light Curves of the CEP OB3 Member CW Cephei”: 1990, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, Volume 86, pp. 259-268

  3. Clausen1991b
    Clausen, J.V. & Gimenez, A. “Absolute Dimensions of Eclipsing Binaries. XVIII - The Cepheus OB 3 Member CW Cephei”, 1991, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 241, pp. 98-106

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