V857 Her

Qian2005 - Qian2005R (Kron-Cousins Rc)

Model References

  1. Gomez-Forrellad1996
    Gomez-Forrellad, Josep M., Garcia-Melendo, Enrique “NSV 07968 is an Overcontact Eclipsing Binary Star”: 1996, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 4364

  2. Qian2005
    Qian, S. –B., Zhu, L. –Y., Soonthornthum, B., Yuan, J. –Z., Yang, Y. -.G. & He, J. –J. “Deep. Low Mass Ratio Overcontact Binary Systems. V. The Lowest Mass Ratio Binary V857 Herculis”: 2005, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 130, pp. 1206-1211

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