BF Vir

Russo1981 - Russo1981B (Johnson B)

Model References

  1. Struve1948
    Struve, O. & Gratton, L. “Spectrographic Observations of the Eclipsing Binaries RZ Comae, V502 Ophiuchi, RV Corvi and BF Virginis”: 1948, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 108, pp. 497-503

  2. Mallama1976
    Mallama, A. D. & Witt, A. N. “A Study of the Eclipsing Variable BF Virginis”: 1976, Acta Astronomica, Volume 26, pp. 253-262

  3. Russo1981
    Russo, G. & Sollazzo, C. “Revised Photometric Elements of BF Vir”: 1981, Astrophysics & Space Science, Volume 78, pp. 141-144

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