V502 Oph
Maceroni1982 - Maceroni1982V (Johnson V)
The B & V light curves presented here are from Binnendijk (1969). The solutions come from Maceroni et al. (1982) with a single very cool spot modeled roughly by Bradstreet (2004) at the equator of the more massive component to show what it would take to create such a large asymmetry in the light curve. The interesting thing about this light curve is that the quadrature after secondary eclipse always seems to be the less bright one and the amount of dimming is very significant as evidenced in other published light curves (e.g. Wilson 1967, Rovithis et al. 1988). The system could doubtless also be fit with a hot spot on the other side of the massive star. This is one of the largest asymmetries seen in a W UMa system. The radial velocity curves are from Pych et al. (2004).