V Crt
Sarma1998 - Sarma1998V (Johnson V)
The authors note that they used Qingyao’s (1993) ephemeris to phase their data, but this results in a noticeable shift from zero for the primary. I measured a time of minimum for their V-light curve for their first night of data and obtained HJD 2441397.3323(3) using a quadratic least squares and Kwee Van Woerden methods. Using the same methods in the B-light curve resulted in a value of 2441397.3327(2). I used the average of these two times (2441397.3325(3)) and the period given by Qingyao (1993) to generate the phases used in the .nrm file, i.e.,
Minimum I = HJD 2441397.3325(3) + 0.7020357E