V729 Cyg

Leung1978 - Leung1978U (Johnson U)

        Table 1 from Bohannan & Conti (1976) 
Radial Velocity Observations of V729 Cyg (BD +40 4220)

  Plate        HJD   Phase Primary  Secondary lambda4686 He II
                             km/s     km/s          km/s
EC  9610*  41135.914 0.448  -36. (3)  168. (2)    +234.
    9634   41136.912 0.600   49. (6) -231. (6)     -91.
    9722   41164.706 0.812   25. (6) -354. (6)    -191.
    9731   41164.956 0.850   43. (6) -366. (6)    -219.
    9756** 41165.899 0.993    1. (5)  ...          +56.
Ce 21065** 41458.919 0.405  ...       ...         +261.
   21210   41497.852 0.306  ...       ...         +534.
Pd 13071   41586.826 0.791   27. (3) -409. (3)    -183.
   13075   41587.763 0.933   -5. (5) -180. (4)     -25.
EC 12681   42296.761 0.393  -87. (4)   75. (4)    +258.

Note.-EC = Lick; Ce = Mt. Wilson; Pd = Palomar.    
* Given low weight in solution of orbital parameters.    
** Not used in solution of orbital parameters.