TT Aur

Bell1987 - Bell1987B (Johnson B)

Model References

  1. Bell1984
    Bell, S. A. & Hilditch, R. W. “Simultaneous Differential Photometry with the St. Andrews Twin Photometric Telescope – II. The Eclipsing Binary TT Aurigae”: 1984, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 211, pp. 229-234

  2. Bell1987
    Bell, S.A., Adamson, A.J. & Hilditch, R.W. “Simultaneous Differential Photometry with the St. Andrews Twin Photometric Telescope. II - The Eclipsing Binaries SX Aurigae and TT Aurigae”: 1987, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 224, pp. 649-673

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