V1010 Oph

Leung1974 - Leung1974V (Johnson V)

Model References

  1. Leung1974
    Leung, K.-C. “Photoelectric Investigation of BV 544”: 1974, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 79, pp. 852-857

  2. Guinan1977
    Guinan, E.F. and Koch, R.H. “The Radial Velocity Variation of V1010 Oph”: 1977, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 89, pp. 74-77

  3. Cocoran1991
    Cocoran, M., Siah, M.J., & Guinan, E.F. “H-beta Photometry of V1010 Ophiuchi”: 1991, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 101, p. 1828-1834

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